Total Vacancies: Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) is defining a possibility under recruitment 2013 jobs public notice to appoint Six (06) functioning & truthful employment searchers as the position of Assistant Professor and Senior Demonstrator in the stream of Prosthodontics (01 – post), Conservative Dentistry (01 – post), Dental Material (02 – post), Orthodontics (01 – post), Oral Diagnosis (01 – post).
Minimum Age Limit/Experience and Qualification: Candidates should have the MDS/ M.Sc (Dental Material) degree in the concerned discipline “OR” Equivalent and the age of candidates will be as per Rajasthan UniversityTeachers and Officer Act, 1974 norms. We are proposing to applicants to know more about RUHS online registration and eligibility norms see an official notification given below under the name of reference.
Important Dates: Candidates will be entitled to submit their online application profile on the website in between 05th April, 2013 to 20th April, 2013 only.
Mode of Selection: Candidates will be selected after giving impressive performance in personal interview, but the selection procedure is the subject of amendable as per basis of application received.