For University of Mysore result of reading this post. If you B.Sc.(Semester Scheme) / B.P.Ed. - (Grading Scheme) examination had to use the official website to see the results. University of Mysore B.Sc.(Semester Scheme) / B.P.Ed. - (Grading Scheme) exam was held a few days ago. We had already told you admit card link.B.Sc.(Semester Scheme) / B.P.Ed. - (Grading Scheme) exams Time Table, Admit Card, Results 2013 to read this site daily.
To view the results, you can use the roll number. After seeing the results for further processing to visit the official site.
The results of some of the aspects - topper, merit list, click on the link below to watch.University of Mysore Result 2013 all the information you will be given through the site.For information on upcoming exams of University of Mysore on our site come daily.results were announced on 21th july 2013. Official Result of this is given below.
University of Mysore Result 2013 Click Here