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Malwa Gramin Bank Recruitment 2013 Officer and Office Assistants Last Date 29-07-2013

Malwa Gramin Bank, Sponsored by State Bank of Patiala – The Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination (CWE) for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified.
Age Limit: Above 18 Year to Below 28 Years as on 01/06/2012.
Scale of Pay: Officer Scale-I – Rs.14500-600/7 –18700 –700/2 –20100 –800/7 –25700/-, Office Assistant (Multipurpose) – Rs.7200 –400/3 –8400 –500/3 –9900 –600/4 –12300–700/7 –17200–1300/1–18500 –800/1-19300/-
Probation Period: Officer Scale-I  - Two Year, Office Assistant – One Year.
Educational Qualification:
Office Assistant - Bachelor Degree or its equivalent of a recognised University in any discipline;(ii) (a) Essential: Proficiency in local language I.e. Punjabi and must have passed “Punjabi” as one of the subjects at matriculation/ 10th standard. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer skills.
Officer Scale-I : Bachelor degree of a recognised University in any discipline or its equivalent. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy; Essential: Proficiency in local language i.e. Punjabi and must have passed “Punjabi” as one of the subjects at matriculation/ 10th standard. Computer knowledge or awareness will be an added qualification.
Pre-Requisite Qualifications: (IBPS CWE Minimum Score)
Office Assistant - 89 & above for SC/ SC-PWD/ SC-EXS Candidates, 95 & Above for OBC/ GEN/ OBC-PWD/ GEN-PWD/ OBC-EXS/ GEN-EXS Candidates.
Officer Scale-I  - 97 & above for SC/ SC-PWD/ SC-EXS Candidates, 103 & Above for OBC/ GEN/ OBC-PWD/ GEN-PWD/ OBC-EXS/ GEN-EXS Candidates.
Application Fee: (Including Postage and Intimation Fee) Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Rs.100/- for all others.
Apply Online: Eligible candidates apply online http://ibpsreg.sifyitest.com/mgbjun13/reg_start.php from 12th July 2013 to 29th July 2013.
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