Ammunition Depot Dappar invites applications for filling up the vacant seats ofLower Division Clerk post from talented candidates. Hence, laborious candidates may send their duly filled applications on the address of Ammunition Depot Dappar on or before 21 days after the date of Publication of this advertisement. More details are given below.
Name of Post: – Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Vacancy: – 01
Academic Qualification: – Pass the 10+2 examination from any recognized Board and speed of 35 words per minute in English Typing and 30 words per minute in Hindi Typing on Computer.
Salary: – Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- per m0nth.
Age Limit: – Applicants maximum age should not be more than 25 years and not below than 18 years.
How to Apply: – Willing aspirants who are meeting with requisite qualification and other eligibility may send their duly filled applications on the address which is ‘To, The Commandant, Ammunition
Depot, Dappar, Teh – Derabassi, District - SAS Nagar, Mohali (Punjab)’ along with true copies of all supporting documents and a self addressed envelope with postage stamp Rs. 22/-. Applicants must indicate ‘Application for the Post of LDC (UR)’ on the upper part of the application containing sealed envelope.
Dead line for this application is 21 day after the date of publication of this advertisement.